When a mold spore comes into contact with a moist nutrient source and humidity conditions are right it will begin to propagate. This growth will appear as a circular spot. As it grows it will form what is called a mycelium, which is made up of vegetative filaments of the mold called hyphae.
The hyphae will branch out to form a mat and at the same time, similar to a plant, penetrate down into the substrate of the surface of the material it”s on. Eventually microscopic spores will form at the end of the hyphae. These spores along with a variety of chemicals (produced as a by product of the digestion of the nutrient source) are released into the air.
Mold is a very simple life form that exists in two stages. In ideal conditions mold can complete its growth process in as little as 24-48 hours. The growth stage is referred to as the mycelial stage. Once spores have been developed, the mold can enter the second stage of its life called the dormant stage. Mold can remain in this stage for a very long time.
Each colony of mold will reproduce and form millions of new spores thus continuing the process. You”ll find mold in many different shapes, sizes and colors. These variations are dependent upon the species of mold, the nutrient source and the conditions under which it formed.
Moisture is the key ingredient necessary for mold to grow. Remember, mold spores are everywhere and unlike other plant forms they do not need light to grow. This is why you find mold growing in dark damp environments. Little light and insufficient airflow is the perfect environment for mold to flourish. Places like inside wall cavities, floors and ceilings, attics, basements or crawl spaces, showers, closets adn cabinets are where you will typically find indoor mold.